ALesis ADAT HD24&HD24XR UPGrade/nadgraditev




adat HD24&HD24XR

Nadgraditev OS 1.20 sysex datoteko s programom  z MIDI. Upgrade OS 1.20 sysex file with program  via MIDI.



Vključimo HD24 in preverimo če deluje pravilno,če se inicializira trdi disk,prepozna song-e. Lahko ga preizkusimo tudi z vhodnim signalom.


Power ON HD24 and check if it works correctly,if the hard disk is initialized,recognize the songs. It can be also tested by the input signal.





Preverimo tudi ostale funkcije ,če deluje LCD,vse LED-ice ,tipke VFD,RAM in kontrolerji .Test funkcijo zaženemo,da pritisnemo tipke track1+track7 in vklopimo HD24. Funkcije testiranja zaženemo s tipko PLAY,ustavimo s tipko STOP.


We also check the other functions if the LCD works, all the LEDs, keys, VFD, RAM and controllers. Test function is started by pressing track1 + track7 and switch ON the HD24. Functions of the test is started by pressing the PLAY, STOP button to stop.





Priključimo out MIDI kabel (MIDI OUT) USB povežemo s PC-jem preko MIDI-USB vmesnika. Na PC-ju ne smemo pozabiti nastavitve (MIDI devices) USB-MIDI device ali podobno. Pritisnemo tipki track16+track24 in vklopimo HD24.


Connect the MIDI out cable (MIDI OUT) USB connected to a PC via a MIDI-USB  interface. On the PC, not forgetting to set (MIDI) devices USB-MIDI device or similar. Pressing keys + track16 Track24 and switch ON the HD24.






S programom MIDI-OX zaženemo sysex hd24_os_v120.syx datoteko zadnjo verzijo operacijskega sistema 1.20. Dobite jo tukaj OS 1.20. Če funkcija poteka pravilno vidimo na zaslonu potek prenašanja podatkov.


With MIDI-OX run the file SYSEX hd24_os_v120.syx the latest version of the operating system 1.20. You can get it here OS 1.20. If the function is carried out correctly you can see on the screen sending the data.





Na zaslonu HD24 vidimo da se nalaga OS. Ko se OS naloži se HD24 sam resetira in pripravi OS za uporabo z PLD funkcijo (programmable logic device). 


ON screen of HD24 you can see loading the OS. Once the OS is loaded HD24 reset itself and prepare the OS for use with the function of PLD (Programmable Logic Device).





Po potrebi lahko resetiramo HD24 na osnovne nastavitve. Pritisnnemo tipki Record+Play in vklopimo HD24. Ta funkcija resetira sistemske varible,IP naslove in ostale funkcije na tovarniško nastavitev.


If necessary, you can reset the basic settings on the HD24. Pressing Record + Play and switch ON the HD24 . This function resets the system varibles, IP addresses, and other functions to the default settings.





Seznam vseh uporabnih funkcij za testiranje imenovan »vroče tipke«.


List of all the useful features for testing called "hot keys".






Ker je še vedno kar veliko povpraševanje po nadgraditvi HD24&HD24XR smo objavili postopek kako nadgraditi napravo. Z vsebino OS ver. 1.20 dobite kar nekaj novih funkcij,prepoznava večje kapacitete HD,popravek clock rate page v utiliy. Ver.1.21 podpira SATA trde diske.


Since it is still quite a lot of demand for upgrade HD24&HD24XR we published procedure how to upgrade the unit. The contents of the OS ver. 1:20 get quite a few new features to recognize higher capacity HD, clock rate correction page in utiliy. Ver.1.21 supports SATA hard drives.




Opozorilo:AudioLogs ne odgovarja za morebitne napake med postopkom ali za škodo ki se lahko zgodi. Preden se lotite nadgradnje  HD24/HD24XR preverite delovanje programa MIDI-OX in MIDI povezave (kabel,DIN). Bodite previdni pri nalaganju OS, ker drugače naprava ne bo delovala pravilno. Če tega posega niste vešči naj za vas to opravi strokovnjak.


Warning: AudioLogs is not responsible for any errors during the procedure or damage that may occur. Before you begin the upgrade HD24/HD24XR check the operation of the MIDI-OX program and MIDI connections (cable,DIN). Be careful when loading the OS, otherwise the device will not work correctly. If you are unsure of this intervention should be done for you by an expert.


AudioLogs,November 2013,

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